Tag Archives: contractor

dark trim makes a house look expensive

We showed up on Monday to new dark Eaves and Trough!
Dale’s mantra…dark trim makes a house look expensive, and I have to admit he’s on to something.
The Trough-it guys are going to come back to finish the porch detailing once we replace some of the dodgy fascia boards,  that gap in time means we will also be able to keep an eye out for buckling and separation in the installed trim.  Dark metal is a bit tricky that way, and you should be  aware of potential movement with temp changes.   If you are going to go this route, choose an installer who has worked with dark coloured trim before and try to schedule your install  in the cooler months when the metal will be constricted.

Here’s a great link I found from the UK … it points out some crazy stuff about using black and what to keep an eye out for.
So for now the house looks like a bit of a Frankenstein monster, but just imagine how lovely it will look with a combo of Farrow & Ball Railings and Off-Black on all the window and porch trim…
future paint scheme
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